層光掃描螢光顯微鏡 ( Dual View LSFM ) - 針對大型樣本的高速成像 ...


Leica 除了建立在共軛焦系統上的數位層光影像 ( Digital Light Sheet ) 應用模組外, 近日推出應用於大型樣本的整合多視角多位置層光掃描的超高解析螢光顯微鏡 ( Dual View LightSheet Fluorescence Microscope ) 系統 - Viventis LS2 Live. 無論樣本的大小, 都有理想的層光成像的解決方案 !

The Viventis LS2 Live light-sheet fluorescence microscope combines multi-view and multi-position light-sheet imaging to illuminate life in its entirety.

Begin your journey to discover deep, long-term imaging that reveals the intricate details and dynamics of biological systems.

Viventis LS2 Live
技術優勢 :

獨一的 雙照明
獨一的 雙視角檢測
獨一的 多位置掃描成像
獨一的 頂部開放式樣品架

Viventis LS2 Live顯微鏡採用頂部開放式配置,實現了高通量與多位置的成像功能。


Imaging of cycling gene (yellow) revels timing of somitogenesis in zebrafish embryo. Courtesy of Olivier Venzin, Oates Lab. EPFL Lausanne (Switzerland)


Brain organoids labeled with lamin (green) and tubulin (magenta). Courtesy of Akank­sha Jain. Treutlein Lab ETH-DBSSE Basel (Switzerland).

Explore life in depth

The Viventis LS2 Live microscope helps you to expand the spatio-temporal understanding of your sample to its full depth, thanks to increased spatio-temporal resolution.

Achieve detailed volumetric imaging for a complete view of the sample with a patented combination of

Dual illumination
Dual view detection
Open top sample holder

You can even image large light scattering samples over time with outstanding quality for meaningful downstream analysis, while minimizing light dose and maintaining sample accessibility.

Open-top multi sample dual-view light-sheet microscope for live imaging of large multicellular systems
Moos et al.,
Nature Methods 2024

Organoids and spheroids

Topological morphogenesis of neuroepithelial organoids
Ishihara et al.,
Nature Physics 2022 
Multiscale light-sheet organoid imaging framework
de Medeiros et al.,
Nature Communication 2022 
Lineage recording in human cerebral organoids
He et al.,
Nature Methods 2021 

Oocytes and Embryos

Mechanism of spindle pole organization and instability in human oocytes
So et al.,
Science 2022 
Aurora kinase A is essential for meiosis in mouse oocytes
Blengini et al.,
Plos Genetics 2021
Fracking and Ostwald ripening position the lumen of the mouse blastocyst
Dumortier et al.,
Science 2019

Zebrafish and other model organisms

Left-right symmetry of zebrafish embryos requires somite surface tension
Naganathan et al.,
Nature 2022 
Deconstructing body axis morphogenesis in zebrafish embryos using robot-assisted tissue micromanipulation
Ozelci et al.,
Nature Communications 2022 

Detection and Illumination optics
  • Illumination: two 10X objectives, NA 0.2.
  • Detection: two 25X NA 1.1 OR two 16X NA 0.8 water immersion objectives.
  • External laser combiner with a maximum of six wavelengths (from 405nm to 685nm), Omicron LightHUB+.
  • Transmitted light illumination (LED light source) to locate the sample and acquire transmitted images.
Light sheet specification
  • Light sheet generated by scanning of a Gaussian beam.
  • Three switchable light-sheets with thicknesses (FWHM) of approximately 2.1, 3.5 and 4.5 μm for different sample sizes.
  • Automatic position-specific light-sheet alignment.
Detection camera
  • Two high sensitivity Hamamatsu ORCA-Fusion USB3 cameras.
  • Field of view: 16X Objective: 900µm; 25X Objective: 596µm
  • Pixel size: 16X Objective: 406nm; 25X Objective: 260nm
Sample part
  • Motorized XYZ sample stage with maximum X travel range of 50mm
  • Multiple sample located in a open-top FEP sample chamber (multi-well).
Sample incubation
  • Recirculating air temperature controller from 5°C above ambient temperature to 40°C.
  • CO2 concentration control range 4-10%.
  • O2 concentration control range 5-15%.