
美嘉儀器股份有限公司設立於民國 74 ( 1985 ) 年, 迄今, 在台灣, 已是快接近 40 年的資深專業精密儀器公司. 我們一直本著在儀器科技的專業, 企業經營的誠信, 對客戶的服務, 三大營運理念奠定我們永續經營的磐石.

我們謹以專業與敬業的服務熱誠,提供客戶創新的光電影像技術與儀器,供客戶應用於顯微結構(Microstructures) 的
鏡檢觀察 ( Vision )
影像量測 ( Measurement )
分析應用 ( Analysis )
系統整合 ( Integrated System )
更致力將儀器, 技術與服務, 為客戶創造最高的使用價值, 祈為台灣第一的顯微服務供應工作者 ( solution provider )。

美嘉儀器在台灣, 在下列領域, 已紮下非常深厚的基礎, 可稱之趨勢領導 ....
Super-Resolution Microscopy, STED, GSDIM.
Spectral Confocal Microscopy
Light Sheet Microscopy
Multi-Photon Intra-Vital Imaging
Advanced Live Cell Imaging
Advanced Microscope system, multi-dimension imaging system.
Stereo-Fluorescence Microscopy
Digital Pathology ( Hamamatsu ) - Whole Slide Scanner
Scientific EMCCD / sCMOS Camera - 5G WiFi interactive education system
AI based Imaging software
Integrated Microscope Automation System
Micro-incubation system for cell cultivation on the Microscope.
Micro-injection, Micro-manipulation, Micro-Perfusion
Chromosome Karyotyping, Spectral Karyotyping, Multi-color FISH, CISH, CGH.
Clarity, Optogenetics.
Optical Mapping ( Ultra High Speed Camera )
Vision research
Laser Micro-dissection, Laser Trapping
Electro-Physiology Recording and Imaging
Interactice Education Camera System
HyperSpectral Imaging
Label-Free living cell 3D/4D TomoHolographic microscope
- Tissue clearing ( CLARITY ) & labelling system
- Sample preparation equipment for EM
- Ultramicrotome
- Diamond Knife

2023 起, 美嘉公司正式在台營銷與服務 LEICA 電顯樣本製備系統 , 從超薄切片機開始, 到冷凍光電聯用系統.
Sample Preparation for Electron ( EM & Cryo EM ) Microscopy
Ultramicrotomes & Cryo-Ultramicrotomes ( DiATOME diamond knife )
Array Tomography ( ARTOS 3D )
Sputter Coater & Freeze Fracturing
Ion Beam Milling
也同步代理營銷瑞士 DiATOME 鑽石刀. 提供客戶更優質的服務.

美嘉儀器具有務實的一步一腳印的勤奮工作態度, 創造許多的趨勢與成就, 在國內, 許多先進的顯微影像系統, 絕大部分都是出自美嘉儀器. 我們具有依據客戶應用需求做出系統整合的能力與維護能力. 在未來幾年, 配合大數據的人工智能診斷病理世代的來臨, 我們將投入數位病理的機具整合, 為國內奠定新世代的生醫科技. 此外, 本公司也投入研發, 發展新世代的顯微影像系統, 把光學解析推進至奈米級的解析度.

服 務 據 點
台北 :
台中市南區忠明南路760號27樓 A-2
電話 : 04-2266-0311
電話 : 07-392-5785

About Major Instruments - Taiwan
Founded in 1985, Major Instruments - Taiwan has since become a premier distribution and technology-oriented professional services company in Taiwan. Major Instruments is a leading distributor of LEICA microscopes, AI-assisted imaging system, Confocal & Super-resolution system, Wafer inspection ( SEMICON ) microscope, Electro-Opitcal instruments, Sample Preparation equipment for EM/SEM, and Hamamatsu Digital Pathology, ASI Chromosome Karyotyping and pathology diagnosis IVD system. We aim to support the advancement of science & technology by the constant expansion of our product range to meet the ever-changing needs of our customers. We firmly believe the importance of building a trustworthy business relationship with all our partners and to achieve customer satisfaction and expectation with our value-added solutions.
Major Instruments – Taiwan, the mission is to be the Taiwan's first-choice provider of innovative solutions to our customers' needs for Vision, Measurement, Analysis of microstructures., and EM sample preparation.
A recognized leader and trusted company in Taiwan's in specialized instruments distribution industry, committed to give nothing less but excellence with emphasis on accuracy, quality and reliability when dealing with partners and clients – delivering the promise of unrivalled products to remember and unparalleled client satisfaction.